![1sta 1stv logo purple tm_2023_FullForDesign](https://1sta1stv.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/1sta-1stv-logo-purple-tm_2023_FullForDesign.png)
December, 2023
To close the gender gap at all levels of government leadership. 1st Amendment-1st Vote, Inc. offers high school girls a non-partisan opportunity to engage in the democratic process, and to imagine themselves in elected office or professional government-related positions.
Dear Friends:
Hello with greetings for an enjoyable holiday season!
Friends, just over three years ago I was introduced to Dr. Jennifer Piscopo’s work via an essay she co-wrote for the Boston Review, “Without Women There Is No Democracy”. I dropped whatever else I was about to do and contacted her directly to say her piece was the most compelling article on women taking their rightful place in our democracy that I had ever read; she subsequently became one of our program advisors.
By rightful place, we at 1st Amendment-1st Vote mean equal representation in our representative democracy; therefore, we envision gender parity at all levels of elected office and professional government-related jobs!
An African proverb teaches us, “women hold up half the sky,” and while we know that’s true, women in the US today remain underrepresented at legislative tables by 22%. 1st Amendment 1st Vote is actively working to change that, but the change is happening rather slowly. We need you to help speed up the momentum.
During this season-of-giving, I am asking you to send a $25 HIGH-FIVE ENCOURAGEMENT GIFT in support of our young women who will transform lives in their communities, our country, and around the world. Investing in 1st A-1st V encourages more and more teen girls to imagine themselves as government leaders…their rightful place!
Please click here to DONATE: https://1sta1stv.org/ways-to-donate
Our groundbreaking program offers teen girls a pathway toward leadership roles in government, and we continue to grow. For the 2023-24 school year, we’re serving 19 high schools, represented by 146 students. Participation continues at no-cost to students and their families, so we continuously ask for support from donors such as yourself, as well as foundations and businesses that align with our mission.
Need more information or want to be more involved…reach out via our website.
Cheers and Gratitude,
Melina Carnicelli, Board President
2024 Major Funders